September 15 Update: We are happy to report Click Magnet is working again.
Since Click Through Rate doesn't apply to Shorts, only long-form content is analyzed. If your channel has only Shorts videos you will see the following message on the feature when it is analyzing your content:
Our Dev Team is currently investigating two separate issues affecting Click Magnet:
Unfortunately, Click Magnet does not analyze Shorts. If your channel consists solely of Shorts (without any long-format videos), Click Magnet may encounter a loading issue and get stuck on Step 2.
There is also a second issue where some channels are getting stuck on Step 4 of the loading phase.
We hope to have both issues resolved soon but sadly, we do not have any workarounds at this time. Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve the issues with this tool. We will post updates to this article as we get more information.